Last summer, I worked as an event volunteer at the CCFA Take Steps fundraiser and walk in Santa Monica, CA. I had previously done several walks as a participant, but this was my first time working the event. For anyone who has thought about attending or volunteering, I can’t recommend it enough. They’re usually in picturesque locations; this walk was along the Pacific Coast Highway in Santa Monica, and my prior walks have been along the Connecticut shoreline and in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Moreover, participants come from all ‘walks’ of life, including patients, family members and those simply interested in getting behind a good cause. Also, free food and raffles to win squatty potties. What more could you want?

I did have one rather cavalier homeless man attempt to convince me that Crohns is the result of eating too many GMOs. Other than that, though, he seemed like a very nice guy.


Greg Sgammato at Take Steps Greg Sgammato at Take Steps